Wynmatic TRIO Systems
The Wynmatic Inc TRIO systems were developed for the
medium and larger shop. Designed to make virtually any number of cabinet
doors, the main function is to save setup time and floor space. One of the
main concepts in this system is that the cutters for three different door types
(typically ogee, shaker and beaded) are already mounted and cutter changing is
eliminated. The operator simply raises or lowers the spindle, with the
help of a digital readout for precise cutter selection and positioning.
The WynMatic Stile-Avator system allows for immediate setup for width of stile
cut on the stick shaper with power feeder. Long pieces (usually 8 feet) of
stick material are run. These pieces are then cut to length for stiles and
rails using a cutoff saw setup like Tiger Stop (tm). The stiles are
complete at this point. The rails are then coped on two cope shapers which
run in opposite directions. A circular arrangement such as the one shown allows
more than one operator to use each shaper at the same time.
WynMatic TRIO systems start at ---------------------------